We’re through
It’s not me, it’s you
It’s not because I’m an Ashkenazi Jew
It’s because the cancer that was many
Is transforming to a few
Could it be you did your job AC?
Even after all you took from me
My hair, My sleep, my normal colored pee
You’ve taken oh so much, but what have you done for me?
Added years, shrinking tumors
Yeah, it’s shrinking, it's not rumors
Focusing on my family
You helped me on priorities
They say breaking up is hard to do
Not for me, when it comes to you
We’ve run our course, our time is through
I won’t be alone long, here comes Chemo phase 2

Today, we celebrate the milestone of completing the 4 gruesome rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxin (AC aka Red devil). Jack danced out my window and I did a dance for the Tiktok!

Last night, I prayed hard, and this morning I woke up to this devotional. Basically, God gave me a sign, literally in black and white. He heard my plea. Trust in Him, lean not on your own understanding, and use every situation for His good. Friends, I don’t know who needs to read this today, but cast your worries on Him. What ever it is you are going through, Trust in Him, and use what the enemy intended for evil for His glory. You‘ve got this....and so does He!
On the way home from chemo, a lady was shouting from her car with the windows down. We were driving down a busy road, so Jack lowered my window. She was praying over me from the next lane over. She was covering me in prayer and affirmations that God placed on her heart. It was chilling and bold. It was incredible. I don’t know who this lady was, but I am so glad the Holy Spirit places that boldness on her heart AND she acted on it. I receive that prayer in God’s name.