After that refreshing stay in Hilton Head, I was charged and ready to go into this chemo stronger than ever. I got to meet in person my medical oncologist for the first time since starting chemo…..over 4 months. So there I found myself again, topless on the table waiting for the doctor. She gave me a physical exam and reported that the area in question is no longer palpable. That is great news! She decided to lower the carboplatin dosage, slightly because I have constant ringing (Tinnitus) in my left ear. This is a side effect of the chemo and can be permanent. We still want to reduce the cancer in my body, but without damaging my hearing long term. It’s a hard decision and I have to trust the doctor on this.
All my labs look great, so chemo #11 is a go. My body is really taking the aggressive chemo very well. I am improving my iron levels naturally, with diet, and hopefully avoiding the blood transfusion. Since July 4th is a Saturday, Levine Cancer Institute is observing the holiday on Friday. That means my sweet friend, Sara Lynn, had her infusion on Thursday instead of Friday. Here is a little back story. I met Sara Lynn back in early June, when I had to switch 2 of my infusion days to Fridays for Kaiah’s graduation and then her 18th birthday. I got to chat with her quite a bit those weeks and we became quick friends. She has been through quite a bit the last 8 months and still such a bright light! I will miss her over the next few weeks, since our infusion dates don’t coincide again.
The nurses know I like a certain room. It’s the corner suite with lots of light, a perfect view of 485 and hwy 51, and because Jack and the kids have a perfect area to do the cancer killing dance every week. Well, Sara beat me to it one week – I teased her a little. But this week, she beat me to it again. I just giggle and give the nurses a hard time. But, in all seriousness, I just camp out in the room with her and chat during the premeds, anyway. Sometimes our IV’s start chirping at the same time, like dueling IV’s. I am so glad I was able to meet her by chance with the switch of my schedule, that she was bold to make the first conversation initiation, and that God brought us together through this ugly disease. I foresee a great long friendship in our future!

On the way home from chemo we made a quick pit stop to Starbucks. After 8 long hours hooked up to life saving chemo, I think I deserved it. The treat was extra special today, because one of my long time friends, Mike (Bode), treated me! I wish we could have met up and socialized, but corona has got me on lock down. Mike is such sweet guy and never forgets about me.
Hilary to the rescue again tonight with a dinner for my family. I was still feeling good, so I was able to chat her ear off. It’s hard being quarantined and I apologize for the verbal regurgitation when I see an adult in person. Hilary got ziti from our favorite take out spot, Village Pizza, brought salad, and of course cookies!
Fridays, I always joke, are my hopped on roids days! They pump me full of steroids on chemo day, so on Fridays I have so much energy. I try and spend the day catching up on all things work and then spending meaningful time with the kids.
Saturday was the 4th of July. I’ve never been a big fan of fireworks. I enjoy the professional productions, but not the backyard firecrackers. They kind of scare me, to be honest. Any way, we spent the day playing in the kiddie pool and sprinklers at my parents house. I was already feeling the Carboplatin kick in, so I moved a little slower than I had hoped. I stayed in the shade and sipped on water, while watching the kids play. My dad grilled the most tasty burgers and I made patriotic cupcakes. Most people that I know, experience taste bud issues with their chemo. I’ve been pretty fortunate and haven’t had much issues with that. We got home before the roads got too busy with everyone heading out to see the fireworks.
Sunday, I was already experience fatigue. I rested as much as I could and didn’t leave the bed much.
Monday and Tuesday went a lot like Sunday, except I had to do it on my own. When you are at your peak of the chemo side effects, I call it the down days. That’s what Monday and Tuesday were for me. When I experience cancer fatigue, it makes me very irritable and sad. And it takes a lot of work to keep a positive mindset during this time. These days seem long, but they are the same 24 hours as the others. I had a fellow cancer babe tell me, just take 5 minutes at a time. Get through the next 5 minutes, then you can do another 5. I try to stay positive and keep my faith firmly grounded, however Tuesday was still hard. I prepare myself for these down days, mentally and physically. But, you can only prepare to a certain point. When you are in the thick of it, sometimes you just need a good cry.
My Aunt Deb called me to check in and I just cried. Although letting it out helps relieve some steam, it doesn’t accomplish much else. However, that call was exactly what I needed. I needed to hear a comforting loving voice speak life into me. She’s hundreds of miles away, but was able to help me refocus. She also ordered us Olive Garden for dinner which was a huge bonus!
I say all of that because we live in a time where voice calls are so rare. We text, email, blog, social media ourselves so much, that we can lose that personal touch. I did not know that I needed to hear a reassuring voice, but I sure am glad she did. I know voice calls are not always convenient and we worry about interrupting whatever they may be doing, but friends, pick up the phone every now and then! You just never know who needs to hear your voice.
Well, just like clockwork Wednesday came around and so did my energy. Its important to have those down days, because then I appreciate the better days so much more. Tonight I was able to participate in a virtual painting class with an organization called Sharsheret. This was a free class and they even mailed all the paint supplies needed. Kirklyn and I painted a masterpiece! It was so incredible that for 1 hour, I was able to forget about being a cancer patient and just enjoy my time.

I am back in the infusion chair tomorrow for chemo #12!