Chemo chemo #9, coming down the infusion line.

This round came so quickly. I felt like I didn’t have much time to recover from the combo last week. The fatigue is so real right now. Some days I wake up feeling pretty normal, only to tire out by lunch. Then other days I don’t have any energy to get going until after lunch. It’s so unpredictable and leads to frustration. Mainly, I get frustrated at myself, because I want to continue doing all the things I once did in a day, but I’m quickly humbled by the effects of chemo.
Anyway, chemo round 9 was fairly simple. My labs looked pretty good and actually improved after the harsh combo the week before. That means my body is working hard all on its own. I have increased my red meat and leafy greens intake to up my iron levels which I guess has helped.
Friday, I started acupuncture. This was a first for me. I am not scared of needles and very much embrace all alternative healing methods. After my first visit, I didn’t see much change and only scored a swollen bruise smack dab between the eyes. I will need to go a few more times to see any improvement in my ailments, so here’s hoping I don’t get goose eggs on the face every time. I mean, no eyebrows and no eye lashes is enough to try and navigate. There was a great view though from my chair though. The charlotte skyline is beautiful.

Saturday we spent the day feeding the ducks and having a picnic. it’s nice to get out of the house and do normal things. Sunday we celebrated Father’s Day at my parents house. The kids played in the water with the best Uncle in the world, then we grilled out. Although, it seems like a simple weekend, it was a great, and I cherish these moments.
Monday I had another Diagnostic mammogram. I am glad to get another look at the killer boob, half way through chemotherapy. Originally, I have two tumors. The new scan shows that one of them completely disappeared and the other is a fraction of the original size. Those results were great to hear. The only bit of concerning news from the radiologist was that one of the titanium clips used to mark the tumors, was missing. They could not find the clip on the imaging or on ultrasound. The tumor was far back near the chest wall and that area is harder to image. So, basically, I have a migrating titanium clip. Let’s hope they find that during surgery.