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Chemo Infusion 1

Writer's picture: Rifka ColemanRifka Coleman

The day has finally come for my first chemo infusion. Considering everything I slept well and was ready to get things started. Jack drove me down, while Kaiah was on child watch. Surprisingly, I wasn’t as anxious as I thought I would be. We got there a few minutes early, so we pulled over and just sat and talked for a few minutes. I was supposed to eat beforehand, but I am not used to eating that early, since I do intermittent fasting. I chugged a chocolate Ripple protein shake, which is amazing. We took a picture in our shirts and just tried to lighten the mood. Before I knew it, I was starting my walk to the infusion center. I got checked in and found the cutest prayer shawl. See what it says here:

My nurse for the day was Gena. She was chatty just like me, so that was refreshing. She was so sweet, it felt like I have a friend with me. She had to go over my paperwork with me, since my chemo teach class was virtual and needed a signature to start treatment. She explained the steps in the process and that helped prepare my timeline. First up was drawling blood. My Integrative doctor wanted some labs on my vitamin/mineral levels because of my plant-based diet. This was the part I was dreading. I applied the numbing cream, just like Megan my navigator told me to (slather it like icing and place press n seal wrap over it). Can you believe I didn’t feel it at all? Even as sore as I still am! Gena took the credit and said it was her technique! I had great blood return and she collected her samples.

Next on the agenda was hydration. I must get 500ML before treatment and after, so 1-liter total. The hydration was no issue and I just kept working on my laptop and making calls for work. I drank a Naked juice and water throughout my morning but wasn’t hungry. Some premeds were ready to be given next. I was given 2 anti-nausea medications, one is 3 day long acting and one is just for the treatment, and a heavy-duty steroid. Finally, it was time for the big guns. I got a little nervous, I guess, so I turned on the TV while Gena suited up in PPE. You know what I stumbled upon? Sponge Bob, My little brother’s favorite show. So, I snapped a picture to let him know he was with me.

The A in the AC is Adriamycin or red devil. Gena had to push it manually over the course of 10 minutes, watching for side effects. I chomped on ice during that time to help reduce the occurrence of mouth sores. Then came time for the C in AC, Cytoxan. This was just a drip IV. I started to feel some fullness in my head, and Gena assured me that was normal. Before I knew it, I was on my last half of hydration. My belly started to grumble just before I was ready to leave.

Even though I was at my first infusion physically alone, I never felt it. My tribe was there with me! The notifications kept me feeling the love and support. I have videos, facetime, snapchat, pictures, texts, and messages all though out my treatment. God is so good to me. My tribe showed up! I am forever grateful for every single one of you. Thank you for being here with me through it all. Check out the Tribe tab to see some of supporters!

Jack picked me up at the door and we made our way home. He had to go back to work, so Kaiah and I ordered Panera. I got the 10-vegetable soup, a quinoa hummus bowl, and a spinach smoothie. I had the soup and half the grain bowl and most of the smoothie but started to go down quickly. The fullness in my head turned into a migraine. Kaiah helped me get situated on the couch with an ice pack and my laptop, because you know work still goes on. I started to get queasy, I think from the migraine. Luckily, it was about time for Jack to be home from work, so he was able to help. He got me to the bed and some more medicine. He helped fill my water and let me rest. My heart was pounding though. Again, I think from the steroids. The pharmacist called to check in on me, and I let her know how I was feeling. She said it all sounded normal, which gave me some comfort.

After Jack fed the kids, Kaiah came and laid with me again. She just kept me company along with Cupcake. It’s so nice just to have some one here with me.

About 8pm, I was maxed out on medications and couldn’t take anything else besides Benadryl. I chugged some of that and was able to rest until 1:30am. Then I was wide awake. I turned on Hulu and tried to watch Food Network. I love to watch Bobby Flay, but the food was making me nauseous. I opted for some funny movies and watched Grown Ups and 21 Jump street. I started to dose off during the last one, but the loud gun scene woke me up. Before I knew it, Jack was bringing me breakfast in bed. Perfect timing since I was starting to feel queasy again. He had to get off to work, so once he left, I asked Kaiah to get me more food. I blame it on the steroids. She graciously got me breakfast number 2 in bed. I just worked from my bed most of the morning. My mom and Kaiah got me the best laptop table for the bed, which made work so much easier from the bed. I asked Kaiah to babysit me while I got in the shower, because I felt weak, and she said I reminded her of a Sponge Bob episode. (Uncle Nate would be proud). After the hot shower, I felt even more wobbly, so she graciously dried and flat ironed my hair. My arm is still sore from the port, so that was a huge help. Isn't she the sweetest daughter in the world.

We had to leave around 12:30 to get my booster shot. The day after infusion, I receive an injection that helps boost my white blood cell counts. Sometimes it can cause bone pain due to the extra work your bone marrow is undergoing to boost those cells. We need the counts to stay high so I don’t get sick and I can get my next infusion without delay.

Once we were back home, we curled back up in bed as I worked, she napped. Of course, Cupcake was just snoring away, too! I worked until about 6:30 or so, and then I was ready for dinner. I kept busy and didn’t eat much through out the day as I should have. I need that energy to sustain me through the next couple days. Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be the worst of it, so I am preparing myself for that.

We plan on watching Troop Zero later, as my friend Hilary suggested it as a good one! Please send me all the recommendations (We have Netflix, Prime, Hulu, and Disney +).

Even through this trial I know God is with me. His Holy Spirit comforted me and brought me peace exactly when I needed it. My tribe showed up exactly when I needed it. Friends and family, I love you all so much. I am incredibly blessed and will continue to sing His praises!

“I will never leave you of forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5




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