Before we go into the break-up, let's review round 3. It was not terribly eventful. I felt achy, fatigued, and crummy for about 5 days, which is about normal. I started to feel better and over did it, then was back down for a day. But at least, I got all the things done!
I had my first virtual yoga session with my physical therapist. It felt good to move my body, but it was painfully obvious how the chemo has taken its toll on it. I have a few at home exercises to do on my own, which will help fight some of the fatigue, also. We will see how that goes this next week.

I had my virtual appointment with my medication oncologist today. She confirmed tomorrow will be my last round of AC! That is positive. But, she also confirmed my next round of chemo drugs. After my round tomorrow, I will wait another two weeks, before starting the last phase of chemotherapy. I will get 12 weekly Taxol treatments, with every 3rd treatment adding Carboplatin. The great news is the Taxol is typically a "breeze" compared to the AC regime, however, those Carbo/Taxol combo rounds will be just as hard as the AC. At the beginning of all of this, my doctor told me we needed to be aggressive, based on tumor size and my age. And so this combonation will give me the best shot at achieving pCR!
I am just about to the 1/3 mark, too. I celebrate the wins where I can!

I did get dressed on Saturday and I'd like to celebrate that win. It isn't easy doing life with cancer and covid-19, but I am managing the best way I can. Saturday, I woke up feeling ok, so I got dressed and went for a ride. I do not leave the house often, so this was a treat! We went and got a clean juice, then splurged on Ben & Jerry's. Is all about the balance. YOLO!
Jack and I also made a tiktok Saturday. If you know the light switch challenge that's what we did. It came out funny and earned me quite a few views. Not as many as the shaving the head video my daughter made - that one is up to like 650K views.
I'll update you tomorrow with the break up. Its kinda bittersweet.