This post is long over due. I thought once chemo was over, I’d be so happy and feeling great. It didn’t quite go like that. The week after chemo I had several appointments.
First, I had my chest CT scan. There has been some discrepancy with whether or not a lymph node in my chest was enlarged. Since my largest tumor was located in the middle of the breast, the likelihood of it draining through the node in my chest vs my underarm are greater. {Not so} fun fact, 95% of diseased internal mammary nodes are not caught. I’m glad my Radiation Oncologist is erring in the side of caution. Unfortunately, there is not a good way to biopsy that node and we didn’t get enough imaging at the beginning. Either way, the node looks good now and potentially never was an issue.

Then, I met with my (new) surgeon. I decided to go for a second opinion and truly loved her. Although, the plan is not different, I just feel more comfortable with the person cutting me open. Surgery is on the books for 9/3.
Finally, I had my diagnostic mammogram to see how chemo treated the tumor. The images looked great and they seem to believe that I had a great response to chemo. They still could not locate the missing clip, but they doctor doesn’t see too worried about that.

My first Thursday in 12 weeks with no infusion. I wasn’t sure how to feel. I missed my nurses and chats at chemo. I didn’t feel great and it just felt like an ordinary day.
The days went by and I still did not feel good. I had headaches nonstop. I tried lots of medications and holistic treatments. Even though I felt crummy, I tried to enjoy my time after chemo.
Today, was a hard day. My oldest child moved out of the house. She got her own apartment instead of living on campus at Winthrop. I helped her move in and unpack. It was a long day, since I had to work first, then move in the evening. We got the majority of things unpacked, but I’d have to come back to hang pictures and organize.
My mom and I went to another A&R workshop. We had one planned back in March to celebrate both of our birthdays, but Cancer and Covid happened. It was a great day spending time with my mom and creating something nice for the house. After, I went back to Kaiah’s to help organize her new apartment.

Life after chemo isn’t what I thought it would be. I thought for sure, I’d be feeling great and back to my old self. Maybe I am just not rebounding as fast as I’d like. Either way, I will give myself grace and keep moving.