I did not sleep well last night. Maybe it was partly because of the night sweats brought on by early menopause or chemopause as they call it. Or maybe it was the fact that chemo day was looming. Either way, I tossed and turned all night. It doesn’t matter, I still have to show up to get my weekly infusions.

Since this is week 2 of the 3-week cycle, I didn’t need to wait for the full chemistry panel of bloodwork to come back, only the absolute neutrophils. This means it saves me almost an hour. My numbers look consistent with last week. That is really good. My body is handling the chemo really well. I just hope it is killing the cancer, ya know? Also, not getting Carboplatin or the Emend (long acting anti-nausea) would save another hour. I potentially could be out of there in 5 hours. That was something to look forward too!
I will potentially need a few pints of blood in the next few weeks. Luckily, Jack is willing to donate is blood, so I do not have to get a random donor, plus we are the same blood type. AB positive!
The morning swiftly carried on. Things were moving fast. I worked and took calls and before I knew it, it was time to freeze the extremities. During this time, the Benadryl starts to take effect and I like to capitalize on a nap. It helps pass the time, but also, helps the pain from the frozen blocks of ice on my fingers and toes. I turned on Living with Landyn’s podcast and took a siesta. If you don’t follow her, she is an Influencer out of Nashville and just started a new podcast. If you have any other podcast suggestions, please send them my way! Oh, and if you haven't listen to the Jack Coleman Experience podcast yet, I was a guest last week. I talk a little about my story, but more about my mindset and purpose during my quest.
By 12:30, it was time for the weekly “cancer killing dance” as Kirklyn calls it. I was just hooked up to the last bit of hydration, so I popped open my window shade and watched the show! We grabbed some subs on the way home. I had been thinking about Jersey Mike’s steak and cheese all week. I blame it on the steroids!
Now, it is time to finish out my workday and chill. I am feeling just a tad queasy, so I am going to get some meds in my belly and get ahead of anything brewing. The meal train continues today and Friday and I am so thankful for my generous tribe! My friend Jen is delivering a baked ziti tonight and tomorrow my twin friend Bethany is having something delivered. How sweet to coordinate a meal delivery all the way from Delco! I love my friends, ya'll!
It's been 10 weeks of chemotherapy so far. I am so thankful for the #rifkasfighttribe members who show up every week with the texts, meals, prayers, love, and support. My heart is full. Thank you just never feels sufficient. I still have quite a ways to go in the kicking cancer to the curb process, but each day I am closer to ringing that bell.