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Writer's pictureRifka Coleman

Sometimes I forget I have cancer

Do you ever just get wrapped up in a moment or making a memory, that you forget about your worries or troubles? This weekend I had one of those moments. My daughter, Kaiah. received the Catan board game for Christmas and she suggested we play, once the baby was asleep. I love board games. This is something we like to do a lot in our house. We play all different kinds of board games and card games. My mom taught me a card game she learned when she was young called Spite and Malice. We try to play that whenever we can, but of course we love the classics too, like scrabble, clue and monopoly.

When Kaiah asked me to play, it was late on Saturday night and I was tired, but I also didn't want to allow the moment to pass where I could spend time with my family. I have never played Catan and Kaiah had only played once prior, so we got out the old YouTube to help us. There was a short 4 minute video explanation. It seemed confusing at first, like any other game you've never played, but we quickly caught on. We started using the different measures to block each other and some healthy competition started. We are all pretty completive over here.

We were laughing and concentrating on the game, that an hour or more had passed of solid quality time. I didn't even pick up my phone to take a picture, which now, I wish I had done. Anyway, any guesses to who won?? ME - Rifka Wins!

There was a short period of time that I had forgot that I was sick, that I had breast cancer, and fighting for my life. I had such a great time feeling like my old self and I miss that person. As I laid down to go to bed, I couldn't help but start to cry. Jack sat next to me on the bed and held my hand while trying to give me a pep talk, like he always does. You see, I am in that phase where I don't feel like I have cancer, nor look like it. I don't have my port to remind me or a bald head, but in a few short days that will all change. I hope that there are more moments, like Saturday night, where I can forget about my troubles and worries.

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